Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Hooray! 33 wonderful years on the planet and hopefully many more to go. I left the boys with friends and spent the day with my sister, Becca, up in Cincinnati. I was feeling guilty that I wasn't spending my actual birthday with Sean and Kade (Jeff had to go out of town on business) so to ease my conscience I told Sean that Monday was my birthday and we needed to plan something fun to do while dad was gone. He woke my up Monday morning (7:30am) and said "Mom are you going to get up now?" I replied, yes I was. He said "Good. I'm going to make you pancakes for breakfast. But, can you help? I'll put a candle in them for you." I'm surprised sometimes at how sweet and thoughtful he is. That night we went to Chuck E Cheese for dinner and FUN. It's been awhile since Kade's been there. He was a little hesistant to ride the rides, but warmed up fairly quickly. It was a fun day.

Then first thing today I was greeted at my back gate by my friend Dina who gifted me a yummy watermelon. Jeff called from the road to serenade me the "Happy Birthday" song and then I met my sister in Cincinnati for lunch, some shopping and then we went rock climbing. My first attempt and I have to say I did really well. It was a lot of fun. I'm definately going to have to go again. After calls from family and friends to wish me a "Happy Birthday" and I gifted myself an IPOD (welcome to the 21st century) I have to say this has been a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Kim and Jon said...

HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! That is such a sweet story about Sean, hes so thoughtful!

Jean/Tom said...

I am so sorry I was sooo forgetful I finally went to check your blog and found I forgot your BIRTHDAY, please forgive me. But I am glad you had a wonderful day with your sister and waking up to Sean's breakfast surprise was worth a lot. Thanks for keeping us up-to-date on your life. Hugs and Kisses to my grandsons. Love, Jean

Vicki said...

Happy LATE, LATE birthday. I'm glad you have a blog. I feel like I've gotten to "keep in touch" so much better with the friends of mine that have blogs. I get to "peek" in on their lives.

I love my ipod and now would "die" without it. I'm glad you bought yourself one.

Allison said...

Happy Birthday, Elizabeth, so didn't know you were blogging. I found you through Kathryn. I hope to see some pictures soon. I didn't know you have two kids now. Come on over and see us at our blog. Good to see you, even if it was the bottom end.

Holly said...

Happy Birthday! I am so impressed with your rock climbing skills. WOW! And i hope you learn to love your ipod as much as I love mine. Check out the free mormon podcasts--byu talks, mormon moms, scriptures on ipod, etc, etc. It took me awhile to realize i could listen to music and much much more!